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"And I don't want the world to see me...cause I don't think that they'd understand."

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Me gusta este/a cancion....

This song is just too prettyful!!!! "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls!!! (wow, what a weird name xD)

It's too pretty that it's crazy it has the same name as I do.

"That's because you're FAMOOOS!!"

Um, ok.

Oh, Olivia says it's la cancion...and that everything ending in "cion" is la.

COOL!!! I never knew that.

gracias. =)

Today I scanned all the piccies of es suyo into my computadora, whcih is kinda scary cause now i have 9th graders in my computer. xDDDD

But yeeeeahhh.....

I did something MANY things crazy today.


Mwahahahaha >:)

Only Olivia and Carmen would know what I'm talking about. xD

Bwahahaha >:)

I'm bored.

It was rainy today.

bleh. -_-


Olivia said...

Iris. I was looking thru this catalog today. It was selling irises. They were very pretty flowers.

Angel in the Dark said...

um, ok. xPPPPP

WhoNeedsADisplayName...o_O said...

n. Gk. Myth.
The goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods.

i'd better watch out; iris is a goddess!

Angel in the Dark said...

yupyupyup!! :D:D:D

mwahahaha >:)