blech. finals.
wow, i can't believe i even SAID that during IS...
"it's ONLY finals..."
or was it during advisory? no recuerdo
well, it's true. it IS only finals. no big deal...right? :D
no, it's a big deal. it's taking me FOREVER to finish the stupid IS study guide cause it's so flippin boring.
So. entertain me folks.
focus week in 2 semanas!!! :D
i'm excited :D
on the required list...journal/sketchbook
i don't have anything else to say
no, that's not it. no wait, that's true.
but that's not what i meant by that
chau now.
About Me

- Angel in the Dark
- "And I don't want the world to see me...cause I don't think that they'd understand."
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
almost dinner time! i smell sausages :D
...o.o sausages...-___-''
hehe, inside joke, don't ask.
OMG lunch was SOOOOO FUNNY today!! i can't believe olivia and the other weren't with me and grace watching them!!!
well. the 8th and 9th grade guys were pretending to be gay, as usual. and they were having random races, like who can reach the fence first backwards crabwalking, and 3 linked people race around the school
and stuff like that xDD
it was fuuuuuuuuuunny
and guess what
penguin was riding on Kevin's back :PPPPP
wow that's the last thing i would expect him to do. guess he's more gay and random than we expected :D
marcel was being so awesomely cool as he always is. he's like "okay. first one to reach that those ivy stuff over there wins!"
marcel: well, what else would they be???
xDD he's soooooo funny i love him!!!
and kevin was being. umm. kevin xP
he was a scar on his back from daeyoon glomping him..he like lifted up his shirt just to show everyone, and he was running around trying to catch daeyoon xD
and uhh. yeah. lots of gay actions.
but they're cute that way :D
hehe >.<>
one more week till finals...
YAAAAAAAAAY!! I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!
yeah. sorry.
ummm...i'm bored.
chau :D
...o.o sausages...-___-''
hehe, inside joke, don't ask.
OMG lunch was SOOOOO FUNNY today!! i can't believe olivia and the other weren't with me and grace watching them!!!
well. the 8th and 9th grade guys were pretending to be gay, as usual. and they were having random races, like who can reach the fence first backwards crabwalking, and 3 linked people race around the school
and stuff like that xDD
it was fuuuuuuuuuunny
and guess what
penguin was riding on Kevin's back :PPPPP
wow that's the last thing i would expect him to do. guess he's more gay and random than we expected :D
marcel was being so awesomely cool as he always is. he's like "okay. first one to reach that those ivy stuff over there wins!"
marcel: well, what else would they be???
xDD he's soooooo funny i love him!!!
and kevin was being. umm. kevin xP
he was a scar on his back from daeyoon glomping him..he like lifted up his shirt just to show everyone, and he was running around trying to catch daeyoon xD
and uhh. yeah. lots of gay actions.
but they're cute that way :D
hehe >.<>
one more week till finals...
YAAAAAAAAAY!! I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!
yeah. sorry.
ummm...i'm bored.
chau :D
Thursday, May 24, 2007
wow i accidentally pressed enter and it published without me typing anything xDDD
well. i don't really have anything to say
me and my dad accidentally forgot about the FW meeting..
whoops :P
"we have something VERY important to decide...the type of sandwich you want"
- Mr. Elliott xDD
hehe >.<>
yeah i'm bored.
i don't have anything to say
and nothing to do
what a pathetic update.
well. i don't really have anything to say
me and my dad accidentally forgot about the FW meeting..
whoops :P
"we have something VERY important to decide...the type of sandwich you want"
- Mr. Elliott xDD
hehe >.<>
yeah i'm bored.
i don't have anything to say
and nothing to do
what a pathetic update.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
OMG today was T.H.E. B.E.S.T. Wednesday EVERRRR!!!!!
Hehe I loved today's advisory >.<
We had to make paper airplanes and bring them to advisory. I made one during advisory but I didn't participate cause I didn't want to be the only Phozzy in the contest :P:P
I squished mine outside beneath my jacket xDD
Marie and Carmen 'hid' theirs in FRONT of a bush...-.-
Then Mr. Elliott's like 'hey!!! where are you guys going? come back out!" xDD
we were cracking up, because it was so OBVIOUS that the planes were there and nobody really noticed them until mr. pinguino threw his airplane and it landed in/on a bush near the bush marie and carmen put their airplanes xDxD
so then scott and other ppls (after the contest) went to find their airplane and they saw marie and carmen's airplanes xDD then they took them and flew them :P:P
wow it was really funny. me and carmen couldn't stop laughing :P
there were three parts to the contest.
1. longest distance
2. longest time in air
3. fanciest flying route...xD
i think scott won the first one. err...or was it charlie? i don't remember xD
then penguin won the second lasted in the air for 5 - 8 seconds. it went in a big loop and then around the back of the cottage, and it landed right on the doorstep xDDD it was coooooooool....he has talent :P
then i have no idea who won the third one. mihai's plane was pathetic. and jared's plane went backwards xDD
just like how he hit the baseball backwards in math today...xD
wow we have such a weird school. LOOOOOOVE ICS :D
hehe >.<
the humanities movie was good.
Hornbeck kicks ass >:) i wanna play his role if we did a play on inherit the wind :)
there's nothing else to say
wow i typed a lot
hey i just remembered something :D
me and carmen were talking about the kite flying we're gonna do in focus week...and we both agreed that marcel running around flying a little pink kite would be really cute :D or penguin. or anybody, actually xD
hehe >.<>
i'm done now.
i think.
yeah i'm done
chau everyone :D
Hehe I loved today's advisory >.<
We had to make paper airplanes and bring them to advisory. I made one during advisory but I didn't participate cause I didn't want to be the only Phozzy in the contest :P:P
I squished mine outside beneath my jacket xDD
Marie and Carmen 'hid' theirs in FRONT of a bush...-.-
Then Mr. Elliott's like 'hey!!! where are you guys going? come back out!" xDD
we were cracking up, because it was so OBVIOUS that the planes were there and nobody really noticed them until mr. pinguino threw his airplane and it landed in/on a bush near the bush marie and carmen put their airplanes xDxD
so then scott and other ppls (after the contest) went to find their airplane and they saw marie and carmen's airplanes xDD then they took them and flew them :P:P
wow it was really funny. me and carmen couldn't stop laughing :P
there were three parts to the contest.
1. longest distance
2. longest time in air
3. fanciest flying route...xD
i think scott won the first one. err...or was it charlie? i don't remember xD
then penguin won the second lasted in the air for 5 - 8 seconds. it went in a big loop and then around the back of the cottage, and it landed right on the doorstep xDDD it was coooooooool....he has talent :P
then i have no idea who won the third one. mihai's plane was pathetic. and jared's plane went backwards xDD
just like how he hit the baseball backwards in math today...xD
wow we have such a weird school. LOOOOOOVE ICS :D
hehe >.<
the humanities movie was good.
Hornbeck kicks ass >:) i wanna play his role if we did a play on inherit the wind :)
there's nothing else to say
wow i typed a lot
hey i just remembered something :D
me and carmen were talking about the kite flying we're gonna do in focus week...and we both agreed that marcel running around flying a little pink kite would be really cute :D or penguin. or anybody, actually xD
hehe >.<>
i'm done now.
i think.
yeah i'm done
chau everyone :D
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
agh no one's here
i FINALLY find time to update but noooooo....nobody's here! -___-
oh well. I'll just talk to myself then :D
YAAAAY TOMORROW IS WEDNESDAY!!! yay for focus week advisory!!!! hehe we get to throw paper airplanesat each other
...:D hehe >.<
i can't wait for focus week itself. kirsty's gonna go shopping just for that -_-'
i wanna go shopping. D:
lalala. i'm allllllll alone...there's no one here besiiiiiiiiiiide problems have all gone until... came to derive me?
i forgot the last part xP
oh well that's not the point.
hehe i'm procrastinating my earth science >.<
Hey Ed I need that song again...
bye :D
i FINALLY find time to update but noooooo....nobody's here! -___-
oh well. I'll just talk to myself then :D
YAAAAY TOMORROW IS WEDNESDAY!!! yay for focus week advisory!!!! hehe we get to throw paper airplanes
...:D hehe >.<
i can't wait for focus week itself. kirsty's gonna go shopping just for that -_-'
i wanna go shopping. D:
lalala. i'm allllllll alone...there's no one here besiiiiiiiiiiide problems have all gone until... came to derive me?
i forgot the last part xP
oh well that's not the point.
hehe i'm procrastinating my earth science >.<
Hey Ed I need that song again...
bye :D
Monday, May 21, 2007
wow olivia you're so weird...
you tell me to update yet you don't comment -___-
*sigh* don't you know how the world FUNCTIONS? :P
"Let's watch their desperate attempt to be manly."
- Frannie :P
haha that was during focus week last year. we arrived at the island and all the guys were playing football
and we all decided that they were trying to show their manlyness
wow that sounded really weird
hehe >.<
yaya :3
wow i don't really have anything else to say
you guys have anything to say?
*sigh* don't you know how the world FUNCTIONS? :P
"Let's watch their desperate attempt to be manly."
- Frannie :P
haha that was during focus week last year. we arrived at the island and all the guys were playing football
and we all decided that they were trying to show their manlyness
wow that sounded really weird
hehe >.<
yaya :3
wow i don't really have anything else to say
you guys have anything to say?
Sunday, May 20, 2007
okay i'm UPDATING...alright?
there you go Olivia.
Let's see...what interesting stuffies have happened since i last posted?
wow, many things.
- cellphone incident (heh)
- err...penguin jumping over the hedge incident
- finally realizing that my pillow cover and my bed covering has penguins on them...O_o
- umm...started making a document of all the funny quotes/coversations we've had :D
- hmm...prom was yesterday
- i almost failed a math test (-_-)
- mother's day...
- THREE more weeks till finals...
- went through last year's yearbook...three times. it's amazing at how much interesting things you can get from it
- learned that i really hate myself for one particular reason
- had a dreeaaammm last night that carmen and penguin got together and penguin actually GAVE her some of his hair for her experiment (hehe that sounded weird)....XD it was so cute!!! they were sitting next to each other and penguin has his arm around her [ok sorry...i'm getting carried away :P]
errr...there's bound to be more. ummm...i don't remember
oh yeah...i'm almost done with experiment design :D
ok i'm done blabbing.
i'm bored
chinese sucks. i'm doing my hw now so i won't have chinese for the next two weeks...:D
hehe >.< i'll update later if i have something else to say
Let's see...what interesting stuffies have happened since i last posted?
wow, many things.
- cellphone incident (heh)
- err...penguin jumping over the hedge incident
- finally realizing that my pillow cover and my bed covering has penguins on them...O_o
- umm...started making a document of all the funny quotes/coversations we've had :D
- hmm...prom was yesterday
- i almost failed a math test (-_-)
- mother's day...
- THREE more weeks till finals...
- went through last year's yearbook...three times. it's amazing at how much interesting things you can get from it
- learned that i really hate myself for one particular reason
- had a dreeaaammm last night that carmen and penguin got together and penguin actually GAVE her some of his hair for her experiment (hehe that sounded weird)....XD it was so cute!!! they were sitting next to each other and penguin has his arm around her [ok sorry...i'm getting carried away :P]
errr...there's bound to be more. ummm...i don't remember
oh yeah...i'm almost done with experiment design :D
ok i'm done blabbing.
i'm bored
chinese sucks. i'm doing my hw now so i won't have chinese for the next two weeks...:D
hehe >.< i'll update later if i have something else to say
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
This song was sung by a very talented young man who goes by the name of RogueRouge. I just learned about him a few days ago on YouTube. I went to his site, and I saw nothing but a letter. It was a goodbye letter.
I know this probably has nothing to do with you guys but I just wanted to share my sadness. His letter made me cry so much, and the feeling he puts in his voice is filled with so much emotion.
You can read his letter here. I hope that you will be a kind-hearted person and read the agony in many people's hearts.
And here's my favorite song of his, Sakura. I actually think it's way better than the original because of the emotion he put into his singing. The piano instrumental was also played by RogueRouge himself. (I'm mad how it cuts off at the end of RogueRouge's version)
You can compare it with the original:
Anyways, this is just a little memoir of someone I'd like to share with everyone. You can decide to ignore this, but that would classify you as a cold-hearted person.
Thanks for taking the time to listen. I, and all of his fans, appreciate it.
I know this probably has nothing to do with you guys but I just wanted to share my sadness. His letter made me cry so much, and the feeling he puts in his voice is filled with so much emotion.
You can read his letter here. I hope that you will be a kind-hearted person and read the agony in many people's hearts.
And here's my favorite song of his, Sakura. I actually think it's way better than the original because of the emotion he put into his singing. The piano instrumental was also played by RogueRouge himself. (I'm mad how it cuts off at the end of RogueRouge's version)
You can compare it with the original:
Anyways, this is just a little memoir of someone I'd like to share with everyone. You can decide to ignore this, but that would classify you as a cold-hearted person.
Thanks for taking the time to listen. I, and all of his fans, appreciate it.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
wow this is sad
i finally got my video to where everyone could see it and no one's here xP
oh well.
OMG today was the best day ever!!! lunch was so much fun :D
marie is causing global warming. she's radiating. why is she do darn hot???
lol xP
i can't believe grace messed around with penguin's hair today. it reminds me of how i happened to see stephen smack him on the ass when i walked by. and how grace messes around with marcel's head xP
anyways. we frolicked around on the hill of pee hoy dia
pee, haha. what a weird inside joke
oh yeah....
there's this show called avatar the last airbender (yeah i'm a dweeb). it's actually pretty cool :D
there's a scene that made me burst out laughing. xP
Aang (main character hero guy): *trapped in a jail* [so much for hero]
Bad guy dude: mwahahahahaha!!!
Aang: let me out! you have no reason to keep me in here. how is this fair?
Bad guy dude: hmm. fine then. i'll let you stand trial. you'll say your part of the story and i'll say mine. then i choose which is true.
Aang: WHAT?! that's crazy!
Bad guy dude: no it's not, it's common sense and it's our form of justice. see? that's why it's called "just us"!!! it's only us two trialing (is that a word?)!
haha, that triggered such a funny inside joke i cracked up xP
yeah i'm weird that way. just thought i'd like to share, even if no one sees this.
so yeah. ciao everyone :D
i'm gonna have so much hw tomorrow...and i'm still procrastinating -_-'
i finally got my video to where everyone could see it and no one's here xP
oh well.
OMG today was the best day ever!!! lunch was so much fun :D
marie is causing global warming. she's radiating. why is she do darn hot???
lol xP
i can't believe grace messed around with penguin's hair today. it reminds me of how i happened to see stephen smack him on the ass when i walked by. and how grace messes around with marcel's head xP
anyways. we frolicked around on the hill of pee hoy dia
pee, haha. what a weird inside joke
oh yeah....
there's this show called avatar the last airbender (yeah i'm a dweeb). it's actually pretty cool :D
there's a scene that made me burst out laughing. xP
Aang (main character hero guy): *trapped in a jail* [so much for hero]
Bad guy dude: mwahahahahaha!!!
Aang: let me out! you have no reason to keep me in here. how is this fair?
Bad guy dude: hmm. fine then. i'll let you stand trial. you'll say your part of the story and i'll say mine. then i choose which is true.
Aang: WHAT?! that's crazy!
Bad guy dude: no it's not, it's common sense and it's our form of justice. see? that's why it's called "just us"!!! it's only us two trialing (is that a word?)!
haha, that triggered such a funny inside joke i cracked up xP
yeah i'm weird that way. just thought i'd like to share, even if no one sees this.
so yeah. ciao everyone :D
i'm gonna have so much hw tomorrow...and i'm still procrastinating -_-'
Monday, May 7, 2007
Phozzies Mini Movie :D
Okay I made an account at Youtube and uploaded the Phozzies movie I made.
It was made a few weeks ago so it doesn't contain the 'latest information'. XP
Oh well. Enjoy. :D
Sorry about all of the blabber in the beginning. It was to take up time. :P
It was made a few weeks ago so it doesn't contain the 'latest information'. XP
Oh well. Enjoy. :D
Sorry about all of the blabber in the beginning. It was to take up time. :P
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