Is it weird to like senior assemblies? Cause I do. :D
The video was fuuuuunnyyy...I liked it. =]
OMG I can't wait to make it, if we can, for the 9th graders when they graduate. Mwahahaha...evil parodies. >:)
Wow. I just got a really weird idea.
Haha,'re so flippin' funny XD
Commercials we were making up during the five minute advisory. Marie decided that Grace should go into the advertising business. :P
"Take this pill, look like this: Insert Penguin here"
Haha. Imagine his face.
Wow Grace. You're the best. :)
Why am I typing with correct grammer?
Wth grammer isn't a word?!
Oh. It's spelled grammar. Never mind. :D
I was going to say something.
Oh yeah, the senior video.
Haha, evil plans >:)
It would be soooo much fun to make it for the 9th graders, and then watch the one made for us when WE graduate. :D
Ughhh...the sevvies will be making it.
Juniors get matched up with a senior? I didn't know that.
But there's like, 50 8th graders and like, 80 sevvies.
Carmen got a flippin 88 on her art final, which is RIDICULOUS because she shoulda gotten a higher score!!!!
Yeah whatever...culture. -_-
Oh yeah, that was required.
How it reflects culture.
Hey look, humph is a word. o.o
I almost missed the bus today. Thank goodness I saw it, and then me and Kirsty RAAAAAAANNN to it!!! It's a good thing it stopped.
Sorry Grace, You kinda missed it.
Marcel went on the other bus.
Lucas...I have no idea.
My art tower broke again. Another piece fell off.
I hate Earth Science.
OMG the final!! O__O
I don't want it back.
We got our math back today.
I'm glad I did well. D:
Huh, I still have to draw my FW thingy.
How long is Penguin going to stay in the hospital?
Maybe he's at home now.
But WHEREVER he is, he's lucky cause he gets to skip Stupid Week.
I'm bored.
As always.
Oh yeah.
Did you know that writing while on a bus and holding your art in one hand is hard?
About Me

- Angel in the Dark
- "And I don't want the world to see me...cause I don't think that they'd understand."
Monday, June 18, 2007
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wow this is long too :P
lol.. it was funny :)
well, i overlooked a lot of things that mrs comeau caught
what were the extra 3 points for??
yeah... i feel bad for grace :( someone should have told the driver to wait...
well, if penguin came back to school, he would probably have to have crutches or a brace and then people would have to help him with his stuff to carry around :P it must be a PAIN.
i hate stupid week.
and math.
it's ONLY 20 points!!!
My gum is yucky.
My tummy hurts.
@ carmen:
haha, your comment is long :P
gracias :)
i have NO IDEA. who cares? XD
me too...i feel bad, but i sort-ish forgot...>.<''
yeah i know that.
a pain? i'm sure people would be GLAD to help him. yeah whatever
me too. I KNOW!! arghhhhhh....
@ Grace:
XD haha.
awww...feel better soon :(
and stop chewing gum xD
I finished the last pack -_- I have now officially chewed 130+ pieaces of gum in 1 week.
Wow Grace...that's a bit...crazy.
Maybe you should set a record. Go for it!
that's a lot of gum.
good for your jaws? umm. i guess.
i can't chew gum with braces. id have to brush my teeth afterward.
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