The Taipei 101 sure is tall O_O
Wow, there's like, 3 ants crawling around now -.-
Yesterday. I woke up, posted about day 1...oh yeah, I have some pictures from Day 1!
On the plane...
Me and my brother

Me, my brother, and my mom

My grandma's dog xD She's sooooooo cute!!!!

Ok, that's that..
Anyways, yeah. yesterday's friend invited us to dinner and stuff, and then later we went to Taipei 101 together :D
It sure was a long bus ride, and we had to walk a lot...but it was worth it :D
It's soooooooooooooo tall!!! (well duh, it's the world's highest)
Did you know, it has the fastest elevator too? It went from floor 89 to floor 5 in 45 seconds!! WOW. you could even feel the pressure in your ears as you went down :D
Too bad we couldn't go to the very top =/ The highest we could go to was floor 91. Floor 89 was inside, and you had to pay a few bucks more to go to floor 91. And we did. And it was outside :D
When you look down your feet get all tingly. Good thing there were bars to keep you from falling :P
Here are [a lot] of pics from Day 2...
The subway :D me and my brother (hehe...Die Hard 4 poster thing in the BG...)

Taipei 101 in the morning...

Taipei 101 at night...(soooo pretty!! i LOVE the lights)


Uhh, yeah. anyways....
No, really? the department store area

This is cute :D I like it. Very original

Shots from Floor 89 (i have tons of these)

The ball thing that helps Taipei 101 stay up during an earthquake so it doesn't collapse (that's SO cool)

The stuff that holds it up..

The last few floors of Taipei 101 (shot taken from floor 91)

Phew, FINALLY done.
Hope you enjoy the piccies xD They took awhile to post.
AHHHHH taipei 101 is scary, like, as in if you go on the outside parts on the top, don't u have a sudden urge to fall off?
yaya that sure was one cute dog!!
have you gone on it before?
no. there are bar thingies. at first your feet feel funny but after awhile the scenery is very PINTORESCO
wow. that's like, printed on my brain now xD
you look so cute!!!
you look really pretty without glasses....
pretty!!! i love the view...
uhhh...thanks? :P
sisisiiiii :D you should go there sometime.
cute puppy =D
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