Yesterday was soooooooo much fun!!!
I'm at grandma's house right now. Cause we were out so late last night there were no more buses left to take us home. My uncle's apartment is pretty far from here. And taxis are expensive for that distance.
Again, it was boring until the afternoon though. In the morning I went with my mom and my grandma to do some 'important and official' stuff. =P
But yeah, that's not THAT important. Except for the fact that it wasted my entire morning xD
Then we went back to grandma's house. And I watched TV :D
Then I took a 3 hour nap. Thank goodness my mom told me to, cause we spent a looooooooooong time at the nightmarket :D
My uncle on my mom's side took us there :P It was huge!!!! Bigger than the other one we went to!!
First, we ate dinner. Guess what we ate.
STEAK. That costed only FOUR U.S. DOLLARS.
That's crazy. Seriously. And it came with soup, noodles, and egg, the whole thing :D And it was good. The meat wasn't hard like, you could hardly chew it. It was soft and and easy to swallow :D
okay yeah.
After that we went to arcade games, and other stuff. I won a lot of stuff from those catch an animal game thing where you use the claw thing. It was much easier to win than in U.S.,, where it's a ripoff and you don't get anything.
But you shoulda seen my brother. He's like, amazingly good at it!! He caught 4 things,a nd he gave me one so we both had 3.
Right now my cousin and my brother are shooting each other with darts from guns in which he won from an arcade game. D:
Yeah I think I should stop now before I get hit :P
Breakfast was good
And cheap
Cya later! I'll try to type more about last night.
PS - we also had a pillow fight before nap time :D
About Me

- Angel in the Dark
- "And I don't want the world to see me...cause I don't think that they'd understand."
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Monday, July 2, 2007
ladiladilaaaa......tra la laaaaaa!! i'm captain underpants :D
Haha. I'm not exactly fond of saving people while wearing only underwear and a cape. xP Not that I've tried it before, but yeah. :3
Captain Underpants was an addicting series :D I like it. I want to read the neeeeeew ones. :P
Anyways, that's not the point.
Yesterday...what happened yesterday...
Oh yeah.
Yesterday was boring...until the afternoon.
Okay, first of all we went to my grandma's house again...and me and my mom went to take 'mugshots' para registering a Taiwan...err...what are those called?
Where you're a citizen and stuff. And they give you an identification card.
(-.- err, sure)
yeah, then at 6 ish we went outside to go to a nightmarket near my grandma's house. At first I was really tired, so I was sleepy when we were walking there.
But then, after we ate some dinner and YUMMY SHAVED ICE...
I was back in the game >:D
The nightmarket was HUGE :D we only looked at a little section because after awhile my mom and my brother started to feel tired instead of me xP
But, we bought lot of stationery. As in the kind like pencils, erasers and stuff. Not the kind where you stand in one place xP
It's really cheap there. Almost everything is cheap there. But the quality is really good :P
Guess what
I bought...
part of Mindy and Carmen and Grace's b-day present :D (Carmen, you're gonna like yours. i HOPE, and you'd BETTER XD)
The other Phozzies I'm gonna get them something different...but similar
And as for YOU Olivia....
Mwahahahaha >:)
I don't have anything for you yet. (lol) I shall find you something...unusual. don't worry :D I'm not forgetting you, since you're the only person I can talk to through IM everyday xP
But yeah.
The stuff I got for you guys are gonna be really cool, since 3 of them already are :D
then after we bought stuff.
we took a bus
and went home
i showered.
and i brushed my teeth
and i slept :D
at 10:30 pm
instead of 11 pm
And i woke up today at 6 am
instead of the usual 5:30 am
i'm so proud of myself!!!!!!!
Haha. I'm not exactly fond of saving people while wearing only underwear and a cape. xP Not that I've tried it before, but yeah. :3
Captain Underpants was an addicting series :D I like it. I want to read the neeeeeew ones. :P
Anyways, that's not the point.
Yesterday...what happened yesterday...
Oh yeah.
Yesterday was boring...until the afternoon.
Okay, first of all we went to my grandma's house again...and me and my mom went to take 'mugshots' para registering a Taiwan...err...what are those called?
Where you're a citizen and stuff. And they give you an identification card.
(-.- err, sure)
yeah, then at 6 ish we went outside to go to a nightmarket near my grandma's house. At first I was really tired, so I was sleepy when we were walking there.
But then, after we ate some dinner and YUMMY SHAVED ICE...
I was back in the game >:D
The nightmarket was HUGE :D we only looked at a little section because after awhile my mom and my brother started to feel tired instead of me xP
But, we bought lot of stationery. As in the kind like pencils, erasers and stuff. Not the kind where you stand in one place xP
It's really cheap there. Almost everything is cheap there. But the quality is really good :P
Guess what
I bought...
part of Mindy and Carmen and Grace's b-day present :D (Carmen, you're gonna like yours. i HOPE, and you'd BETTER XD)
The other Phozzies I'm gonna get them something different...but similar
And as for YOU Olivia....
Mwahahahaha >:)
I don't have anything for you yet. (lol) I shall find you something...unusual. don't worry :D I'm not forgetting you, since you're the only person I can talk to through IM everyday xP
But yeah.
The stuff I got for you guys are gonna be really cool, since 3 of them already are :D
then after we bought stuff.
we took a bus
and went home
i showered.
and i brushed my teeth
and i slept :D
at 10:30 pm
instead of 11 pm
And i woke up today at 6 am
instead of the usual 5:30 am
i'm so proud of myself!!!!!!!
Sunday, July 1, 2007


Day 3 was...
Not that interesting. But it was okay.
In the morning we didn't really do anything.
Then my cousin, uncle, and aunt came to visit us for a reaaaaally long time.
They brought pizza for lunch. it was good :D
My cousin's in 1st grade, going onto 2nd in the fall. He's really cute :D
Hehe. I'm the only female child born from my father's family :D mwahahaha, i'm special >:)
yeah whatever
My brother and my cousin kept on playing computer. It's kinda scary. My brother got obsessed with this Lilo and Stitch game where you shoot aliens to save Lilo. xP Weird.
here are some pics. i didn't take that much.
My brother and my cousin...

My cousin :)

My brother...after they left.

I was pretty much bored to death when they were playing, since I'm a little too old to shoot aliens. but it's pretty fun :D
at night we were originally going to a huge nightmarket, but we found out it's only open on tuesday and friday now. so yeah...we went to a smaller one.
it was okay. i was in a bad mood for some reason =/
then later for dinner we all went to this yummy restaurant :D
my brother just said it was yucky. i think it was because he was tired. and he didn't get to go fishing for goldfish in this tub :P
then we went home
my cousin left.
nothing happened much after that.
it was a pretty boring day
i hope today will be better.
Not that interesting. But it was okay.
In the morning we didn't really do anything.
Then my cousin, uncle, and aunt came to visit us for a reaaaaally long time.
They brought pizza for lunch. it was good :D
My cousin's in 1st grade, going onto 2nd in the fall. He's really cute :D
Hehe. I'm the only female child born from my father's family :D mwahahaha, i'm special >:)
yeah whatever
My brother and my cousin kept on playing computer. It's kinda scary. My brother got obsessed with this Lilo and Stitch game where you shoot aliens to save Lilo. xP Weird.
here are some pics. i didn't take that much.
My brother and my cousin...

My cousin :)

My brother...after they left.

I was pretty much bored to death when they were playing, since I'm a little too old to shoot aliens. but it's pretty fun :D
at night we were originally going to a huge nightmarket, but we found out it's only open on tuesday and friday now. so yeah...we went to a smaller one.
it was okay. i was in a bad mood for some reason =/
then later for dinner we all went to this yummy restaurant :D
my brother just said it was yucky. i think it was because he was tired. and he didn't get to go fishing for goldfish in this tub :P
then we went home
my cousin left.
nothing happened much after that.
it was a pretty boring day
i hope today will be better.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
oh yeah btw...


And still wowing from what she saw last night.
The Taipei 101 sure is tall O_O
Wow, there's like, 3 ants crawling around now -.-
Yesterday. I woke up, posted about day 1...oh yeah, I have some pictures from Day 1!
On the plane...
Me and my brother

Me, my brother, and my mom

My grandma's dog xD She's sooooooo cute!!!!

Ok, that's that..
Anyways, yeah. yesterday my...dad's friend invited us to dinner and stuff, and then later we went to Taipei 101 together :D
It sure was a long bus ride, and we had to walk a lot...but it was worth it :D
It's soooooooooooooo tall!!! (well duh, it's the world's highest)
Did you know, it has the fastest elevator too? It went from floor 89 to floor 5 in 45 seconds!! WOW. you could even feel the pressure in your ears as you went down :D
Too bad we couldn't go to the very top =/ The highest we could go to was floor 91. Floor 89 was inside, and you had to pay a few bucks more to go to floor 91. And we did. And it was outside :D
When you look down your feet get all tingly. Good thing there were bars to keep you from falling :P
Here are [a lot] of pics from Day 2...
The subway :D me and my brother (hehe...Die Hard 4 poster thing in the BG...)

Taipei 101 in the morning...

Taipei 101 at night...(soooo pretty!! i LOVE the lights)


Uhh, yeah. anyways....
No, really?

Inside...at the department store area

This is cute :D I like it. Very original

Shots from Floor 89 (i have tons of these)

The ball thing that helps Taipei 101 stay up during an earthquake so it doesn't collapse (that's SO cool)

The stuff that holds it up..

The last few floors of Taipei 101 (shot taken from floor 91)

Phew, FINALLY done.
Hope you enjoy the piccies xD They took awhile to post.
The Taipei 101 sure is tall O_O
Wow, there's like, 3 ants crawling around now -.-
Yesterday. I woke up, posted about day 1...oh yeah, I have some pictures from Day 1!
On the plane...
Me and my brother

Me, my brother, and my mom

My grandma's dog xD She's sooooooo cute!!!!

Ok, that's that..
Anyways, yeah. yesterday my...dad's friend invited us to dinner and stuff, and then later we went to Taipei 101 together :D
It sure was a long bus ride, and we had to walk a lot...but it was worth it :D
It's soooooooooooooo tall!!! (well duh, it's the world's highest)
Did you know, it has the fastest elevator too? It went from floor 89 to floor 5 in 45 seconds!! WOW. you could even feel the pressure in your ears as you went down :D
Too bad we couldn't go to the very top =/ The highest we could go to was floor 91. Floor 89 was inside, and you had to pay a few bucks more to go to floor 91. And we did. And it was outside :D
When you look down your feet get all tingly. Good thing there were bars to keep you from falling :P
Here are [a lot] of pics from Day 2...
The subway :D me and my brother (hehe...Die Hard 4 poster thing in the BG...)

Taipei 101 in the morning...

Taipei 101 at night...(soooo pretty!! i LOVE the lights)


Uhh, yeah. anyways....
No, really?

Inside...at the department store area

This is cute :D I like it. Very original

Shots from Floor 89 (i have tons of these)

The ball thing that helps Taipei 101 stay up during an earthquake so it doesn't collapse (that's SO cool)

The stuff that holds it up..

The last few floors of Taipei 101 (shot taken from floor 91)

Phew, FINALLY done.
Hope you enjoy the piccies xD They took awhile to post.
Friday, June 29, 2007
I got an MSN account.
I already added you so you just need to approve it.
I won't be able to use it when I go back to America though :(
I already added you so you just need to approve it.
I won't be able to use it when I go back to America though :(
hey everyone!!!!
guess what...i'm at Taiwan right now :D I guess you guys already know that though xP
blech, this keyboard is hard to type with T_T i don't like laptops
oh well :D
right now it's 5:46 am here...and it's June 30th :P over there at this time would be 2:46 pm, June 29th xD
hey it's kevin's party day!!!
hehe. yeah whatever
i'll fill you guys in on some stuff, i guess
the flight was 13 hours long =/ except this time it didn't feel quite that long. i guess i was sleeping most of the time, since the flight was at 2:10 in the morning xDDD
i saw half of Shooter on the plane. then i was too tired to watch the rest XD
Norbit is a weird movie. i watched bits and pieces of it without sound XD man that lady is FAT...
(sorry ._.)
and then...
oh yeah
throughout the flight i kept on thinking about hi-jack movies on planes...like Snakes on a Plane, Air Force One, Flightplan...=/
i was scared that would happen to us XD
i know
i'm stupid
and paranoid -_-'
anyways..moving on...=P (ugh, sometimes the letters i type don't show up >:O)
then...we arrived 10 minutes early :D at 5:05 am.
my uncle came to get us...it actually wasn't that hot in the morning. it's just the humidity that makes you think it's hot xD (woot, earth science...relative humidity...close to saturated -_-')
we went to my grandma's house (mom's side)
and we didn't really do anything the first day, since we were just getting things ready and stuff
Taiwan has a lot of good channels that the US doesn't have. not fair =o
at night we ate yummy stuff :D
then my uncle came to get us again, and dropped us off at our other uncle's apartment =P we're living there because he's at Beijing right now on some business trip...so he said we could use it xD
it's pretty comfy, except there's lots of dead cockroaches here and there o.O
my mom kept on walking around cleaning the apartment...while i was trying to fall asleep on the bed xD
i should eat my breakfast...i'm hungry...
yeah my mom's still cleaning xD
she says there's also bugs that bite you, leaving you a big gigantic bug bite. really itchy. ick, i'm not planning on getting one of those anytime soon XD
so yeah, that was our first day. this is my second day here, fresh start :)
if you guys wanna figure out my time...take your current time, add 3 hours, and swap the am and pm thing.
so if it's 5:00 pm there, it's 8:00 am here
got it? OKAY!! good :)
now i need to see if his YM works
and i need to register a new skype so we can communicate with my dad in america
you guys have skype tell me...:D
okies, that's all for now. i'll try to update as much as i can :)
guess what...i'm at Taiwan right now :D I guess you guys already know that though xP
blech, this keyboard is hard to type with T_T i don't like laptops
oh well :D
right now it's 5:46 am here...and it's June 30th :P over there at this time would be 2:46 pm, June 29th xD
hey it's kevin's party day!!!
hehe. yeah whatever
i'll fill you guys in on some stuff, i guess
the flight was 13 hours long =/ except this time it didn't feel quite that long. i guess i was sleeping most of the time, since the flight was at 2:10 in the morning xDDD
i saw half of Shooter on the plane. then i was too tired to watch the rest XD
Norbit is a weird movie. i watched bits and pieces of it without sound XD man that lady is FAT...
(sorry ._.)
and then...
oh yeah
throughout the flight i kept on thinking about hi-jack movies on planes...like Snakes on a Plane, Air Force One, Flightplan...=/
i was scared that would happen to us XD
i know
i'm stupid
and paranoid -_-'
anyways..moving on...=P (ugh, sometimes the letters i type don't show up >:O)
then...we arrived 10 minutes early :D at 5:05 am.
my uncle came to get us...it actually wasn't that hot in the morning. it's just the humidity that makes you think it's hot xD (woot, earth science...relative humidity...close to saturated -_-')
we went to my grandma's house (mom's side)
and we didn't really do anything the first day, since we were just getting things ready and stuff
Taiwan has a lot of good channels that the US doesn't have. not fair =o
at night we ate yummy stuff :D
then my uncle came to get us again, and dropped us off at our other uncle's apartment =P we're living there because he's at Beijing right now on some business trip...so he said we could use it xD
it's pretty comfy, except there's lots of dead cockroaches here and there o.O
my mom kept on walking around cleaning the apartment...while i was trying to fall asleep on the bed xD
i should eat my breakfast...i'm hungry...
yeah my mom's still cleaning xD
she says there's also bugs that bite you, leaving you a big gigantic bug bite. really itchy. ick, i'm not planning on getting one of those anytime soon XD
so yeah, that was our first day. this is my second day here, fresh start :)
if you guys wanna figure out my time...take your current time, add 3 hours, and swap the am and pm thing.
so if it's 5:00 pm there, it's 8:00 am here
got it? OKAY!! good :)
now i need to see if his YM works
and i need to register a new skype so we can communicate with my dad in america
you guys have skype tell me...:D
okies, that's all for now. i'll try to update as much as i can :)
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Leave Out All The Rest...
Leave Out All The Rest
By: Linkin Park
I dreamed I was missing
You were s o s c a r e d
But no one would listen
Cause no one else cared
After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I'm done here
So if you're asking me
I want you to know
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
Don't be afraid
I've taking my beating
I've shared what I've been
I'm strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I've never been perfect
But neither have you
So if you're asking me
I want you to know
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
All the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well
Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
All the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well
Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are
I can't be who you are
I can't be who you are
I can't be who you are
By: Linkin Park
I dreamed I was missing
You were s o s c a r e d
But no one would listen
Cause no one else cared
After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I'm done here
So if you're asking me
I want you to know
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
Don't be afraid
I've taking my beating
I've shared what I've been
I'm strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I've never been perfect
But neither have you
So if you're asking me
I want you to know
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
All the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well
Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest
All the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well
Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are
I can't be who you are
I can't be who you are
I can't be who you are
8 hours left....
Until I leave for the airport.
I found out that my flight is at 2 am.
So we have to arrive at midnight today.
And that means that we're leaving at 11:30 pm ish tonight.
:(( I'm going to miss you guys lots.
(Haha, no sleeping for me today >x3)
I might not be on a lot...cause we still have to go to the bank and the library today. And then we have to make last minute preparations and such.
So yeah...
Don't be alarmed if you don't see me online today Olivia. XD
Imma gonna ditch you....
I'm so nice.
Guess what I'm doing right now
Tearing out vocab flashcards from my SAT prep book.
How fun is that? -_-
PS: I think the font is normal as you scroll down now...I'm not sure though
I found out that my flight is at 2 am.
So we have to arrive at midnight today.
And that means that we're leaving at 11:30 pm ish tonight.
:(( I'm going to miss you guys lots.
(Haha, no sleeping for me today >x3)
I might not be on a lot...cause we still have to go to the bank and the library today. And then we have to make last minute preparations and such.
So yeah...
Don't be alarmed if you don't see me online today Olivia. XD
Imma gonna ditch you....
I'm so nice.
Guess what I'm doing right now
Tearing out vocab flashcards from my SAT prep book.
How fun is that? -_-
PS: I think the font is normal as you scroll down now...I'm not sure though
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
less than 2 days...
until i leave for Taiwan
i'm still not done packing.
just finished cleaning my room AND the downstairs table
and half of it wasn't even my mess.
doo doo doooooo
gee it's gonna be really hot at Taiwan.
it's already past 100 degrees F in Texas anyway
i suppose it's worth the heat though...cause Taiwan is the SOURCE OF ALL FUN-NESS :D
I don't have anything to talk about.
oh yeah
i finally got to move my computer back to my room
now i don't feel like i'm being watched everytime i do something...>.>
yeah, my uncle's lending us a laptop with internet connection (obviously) cause there's Skype on there, and it WORKS, so yeah
i won't be able to get in touch with any of you during the flight though :(
it's gonna be pretty long
thank goodness we arrive in the morning.
cause if it's at night it's kinda scary, and you can't really organize your stuff during the pitch black
the thing i like about Taiwan is that you can go out past midnight and there'll still be lots of nightmarkets and such open :D
and everything is cheap, but the material used to make the stuff isn't cheap
err...that doesn't make sense does it =/
anyway yeah, i don't think i should just sit here bragging about my summer
isn't carmen going to mexico?
that's so cool
i've never been to mexico
or hawaii for that metter =/
i need to get out more
my dad says we should go somewhere different next summer...most likely EUROPE :D:D
like, FINALLY, after the time when we were SUPPOSED to go but we didn't because my brother was too small -__-
now my european dreams shall come true :D
france and spain looked like so much fun
mwahahaha >:3
i'm still not done packing.
just finished cleaning my room AND the downstairs table
and half of it wasn't even my mess.
doo doo doooooo
gee it's gonna be really hot at Taiwan.
it's already past 100 degrees F in Texas anyway
i suppose it's worth the heat though...cause Taiwan is the SOURCE OF ALL FUN-NESS :D
I don't have anything to talk about.
oh yeah
i finally got to move my computer back to my room
now i don't feel like i'm being watched everytime i do something...>.>
yeah, my uncle's lending us a laptop with internet connection (obviously) cause there's Skype on there, and it WORKS, so yeah
i won't be able to get in touch with any of you during the flight though :(
it's gonna be pretty long
thank goodness we arrive in the morning.
cause if it's at night it's kinda scary, and you can't really organize your stuff during the pitch black
the thing i like about Taiwan is that you can go out past midnight and there'll still be lots of nightmarkets and such open :D
and everything is cheap, but the material used to make the stuff isn't cheap
err...that doesn't make sense does it =/
anyway yeah, i don't think i should just sit here bragging about my summer
isn't carmen going to mexico?
that's so cool
i've never been to mexico
or hawaii for that metter =/
i need to get out more
my dad says we should go somewhere different next summer...most likely EUROPE :D:D
like, FINALLY, after the time when we were SUPPOSED to go but we didn't because my brother was too small -__-
now my european dreams shall come true :D
france and spain looked like so much fun
mwahahaha >:3
Sunday, June 24, 2007
doo doo dooo....
i'm listening to a really good song right now :)
school is over :D
i've decided that i shall not go to school manana
but i want to
cause i wanna see my IS test :P
i'm such a nerd
i'm leaving for taiwan in less than 4 days!!!
eaaaarrrly morning on thursday, so i won't be able to see you guys for a month :((
i think my uncle has YM, so i'll try to IM you guys...
and i can still log into my blogger account, so i'll try to update you guys with pics and stuff like that :D
guess what
the movie for our FW was really good
no offense, but i think it was the best and made ours look the most fun :P
esp. with all the family fun center stuff
i wish mr elliott had gotten film of me beating al and kirsty at go karts xD
i'm so nice
the swingy thing was GREAT
too bad it wasn't jared and them who was riding it
otherwise it woulda been really funny
olivia is washing her hair. she'd better return soon before i'm bored to death
my posts are getting shorter
cause i really don't have anything else to say....
too bad i can't go to kevin's end of the year party
:P i would be on the plane by then
school is over :D
i've decided that i shall not go to school manana
but i want to
cause i wanna see my IS test :P
i'm such a nerd
i'm leaving for taiwan in less than 4 days!!!
eaaaarrrly morning on thursday, so i won't be able to see you guys for a month :((
i think my uncle has YM, so i'll try to IM you guys...
and i can still log into my blogger account, so i'll try to update you guys with pics and stuff like that :D
guess what
the movie for our FW was really good
no offense, but i think it was the best and made ours look the most fun :P
esp. with all the family fun center stuff
i wish mr elliott had gotten film of me beating al and kirsty at go karts xD
i'm so nice
the swingy thing was GREAT
too bad it wasn't jared and them who was riding it
otherwise it woulda been really funny
olivia is washing her hair. she'd better return soon before i'm bored to death
my posts are getting shorter
cause i really don't have anything else to say....
too bad i can't go to kevin's end of the year party
:P i would be on the plane by then
Thursday, June 21, 2007
@ Carmen:
I think I might go to school on Monday just for the heck of it. Are you going? (And I MIGHT be able to go to your casa if you're coming to school too :P)
So yeah.
You know what really sucks?
Trying to get around in this cross between a cane and a wheelchair while trying to prop your broken foot up in a cast.
Poor guy
Amazing what a difference one guy can do
I'm so happy
Mwahahaha, I'm ditching you all >:D
I'm evil.
We're gonna be flippin' 9th graders
And the 9th graders are gonna be upperclassmen
I can't believe mr. bach let his 4th and 5th period class run around. then i kinda wished i had him, but then..NEVER MIND :P
Spanish scrabble was fun. xD I actually got serious over it
that movie in IS was weird. i shoulda remembered i had Timeline in my backpack so we could watch that instead. it has to do with history. =P but not in an icky way
it's one of my all time favs :)
...there's nothing more to say, really
nothing can express how happy I am right now :D:D
@ Carmen:
I think I might go to school on Monday just for the heck of it. Are you going? (And I MIGHT be able to go to your casa if you're coming to school too :P)
So yeah.
You know what really sucks?
Trying to get around in this cross between a cane and a wheelchair while trying to prop your broken foot up in a cast.
Poor guy
Amazing what a difference one guy can do
I'm so happy
Mwahahaha, I'm ditching you all >:D
I'm evil.
We're gonna be flippin' 9th graders
And the 9th graders are gonna be upperclassmen
I can't believe mr. bach let his 4th and 5th period class run around. then i kinda wished i had him, but then..NEVER MIND :P
Spanish scrabble was fun. xD I actually got serious over it
that movie in IS was weird. i shoulda remembered i had Timeline in my backpack so we could watch that instead. it has to do with history. =P but not in an icky way
it's one of my all time favs :)
...there's nothing more to say, really
nothing can express how happy I am right now :D:D
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
As in my burning program. not the Rome guy.
Well, he's weird too but that's not the point.
Oh, and you know what else is evil?
YM and MSN
the connection keeps on breaking up
where did you go? :(
Nero. the burning program. is EEEEEEVIL
it's being stupid
because i'm burning the demo onto a cd
and it burned
except it doesn't play >:(
and the player i'm using supports mp3 files AND rewritable discs, which is what i'm using
you guys are sooooooo lucky
i wish i was done with experimental design
short post again...
it was so sunny today!!
and it still is :D
Well, he's weird too but that's not the point.
Oh, and you know what else is evil?
YM and MSN
the connection keeps on breaking up
where did you go? :(
Nero. the burning program. is EEEEEEVIL
it's being stupid
because i'm burning the demo onto a cd
and it burned
except it doesn't play >:(
and the player i'm using supports mp3 files AND rewritable discs, which is what i'm using
you guys are sooooooo lucky
i wish i was done with experimental design
short post again...
it was so sunny today!!
and it still is :D
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
mixed feelings?
no not about a guy.
are guys all girls think about now?
well, i guess having mixed feelings about earth science isn't exactly cool either
cause you see
i nearly failed the ES final
that's REALLY bad.
it lowered my grade by 3%
now it's 84 something percent.
if i get 100% on experimental design (highly unlikely), i'll get an even 90%.
let's hope...
please hope with me. :D
ok yay :)
well, i'm done with my report
and i'm done printing out everything i need on the poster
now i just need to assemble it
and make the mix for my procedure demo.
cya everyone :D
sorry if this was short.
are guys all girls think about now?
well, i guess having mixed feelings about earth science isn't exactly cool either
cause you see
i nearly failed the ES final
that's REALLY bad.
it lowered my grade by 3%
now it's 84 something percent.
if i get 100% on experimental design (highly unlikely), i'll get an even 90%.
let's hope...
please hope with me. :D
ok yay :)
well, i'm done with my report
and i'm done printing out everything i need on the poster
now i just need to assemble it
and make the mix for my procedure demo.
cya everyone :D
sorry if this was short.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Is it weird to like senior assemblies? Cause I do. :D
The video was fuuuuunnyyy...I liked it. =]
OMG I can't wait to make it, if we can, for the 9th graders when they graduate. Mwahahaha...evil parodies. >:)
Wow. I just got a really weird idea.
Haha, Grace...you're so flippin' funny XD
Commercials we were making up during the five minute advisory. Marie decided that Grace should go into the advertising business. :P
"Take this pill, look like this: Insert Penguin here"
Haha. Imagine his face.
Wow Grace. You're the best. :)
Why am I typing with correct grammer?
Wth grammer isn't a word?!
Oh. It's spelled grammar. Never mind. :D
I was going to say something.
Oh yeah, the senior video.
Haha, evil plans >:)
It would be soooo much fun to make it for the 9th graders, and then watch the one made for us when WE graduate. :D
Ughhh...the sevvies will be making it.
Juniors get matched up with a senior? I didn't know that.
But there's like, 50 8th graders and like, 80 sevvies.
Carmen got a flippin 88 on her art final, which is RIDICULOUS because she shoulda gotten a higher score!!!!
Yeah whatever...culture. -_-
Oh yeah, that was required.
How it reflects culture.
Hey look, humph is a word. o.o
I almost missed the bus today. Thank goodness I saw it, and then me and Kirsty RAAAAAAANNN to it!!! It's a good thing it stopped.
Sorry Grace, You kinda missed it.
Marcel went on the other bus.
Lucas...I have no idea.
My art tower broke again. Another piece fell off.
I hate Earth Science.
OMG the final!! O__O
I don't want it back.
We got our math back today.
I'm glad I did well. D:
Huh, I still have to draw my FW thingy.
How long is Penguin going to stay in the hospital?
Maybe he's at home now.
But WHEREVER he is, he's lucky cause he gets to skip Stupid Week.
I'm bored.
As always.
Oh yeah.
Did you know that writing while on a bus and holding your art in one hand is hard?
The video was fuuuuunnyyy...I liked it. =]
OMG I can't wait to make it, if we can, for the 9th graders when they graduate. Mwahahaha...evil parodies. >:)
Wow. I just got a really weird idea.
Haha, Grace...you're so flippin' funny XD
Commercials we were making up during the five minute advisory. Marie decided that Grace should go into the advertising business. :P
"Take this pill, look like this: Insert Penguin here"
Haha. Imagine his face.
Wow Grace. You're the best. :)
Why am I typing with correct grammer?
Wth grammer isn't a word?!
Oh. It's spelled grammar. Never mind. :D
I was going to say something.
Oh yeah, the senior video.
Haha, evil plans >:)
It would be soooo much fun to make it for the 9th graders, and then watch the one made for us when WE graduate. :D
Ughhh...the sevvies will be making it.
Juniors get matched up with a senior? I didn't know that.
But there's like, 50 8th graders and like, 80 sevvies.
Carmen got a flippin 88 on her art final, which is RIDICULOUS because she shoulda gotten a higher score!!!!
Yeah whatever...culture. -_-
Oh yeah, that was required.
How it reflects culture.
Hey look, humph is a word. o.o
I almost missed the bus today. Thank goodness I saw it, and then me and Kirsty RAAAAAAANNN to it!!! It's a good thing it stopped.
Sorry Grace, You kinda missed it.
Marcel went on the other bus.
Lucas...I have no idea.
My art tower broke again. Another piece fell off.
I hate Earth Science.
OMG the final!! O__O
I don't want it back.
We got our math back today.
I'm glad I did well. D:
Huh, I still have to draw my FW thingy.
How long is Penguin going to stay in the hospital?
Maybe he's at home now.
But WHEREVER he is, he's lucky cause he gets to skip Stupid Week.
I'm bored.
As always.
Oh yeah.
Did you know that writing while on a bus and holding your art in one hand is hard?
Sunday, June 17, 2007
i hate experimental design >:(
yep. title says it all.
my fingers feel funny. they keep on misspelling things. i'm typing slooooww...
amazing what focus week can do to you.
i haven't been on the comp for a week xD
yeah whatever
focus week was...
it wasn't as fun as i imagined it would be
but it was okay
lots of things happened.
penguin broke his foot
doing what?
what a weird coincidence.
there's not such thing as a coincidence.
O_o stupid V for Vendetta movie...now that's gonna haunt me ~_~
gahh, whatever.
it just happened to be HIM.
why couldn't it be
onion boy
or something...
we need a new nickname
besides the fact that someone didn't come.
other things happened too.
i found out...
the kite museum is really tiny
long beach looks like a sea of root beer
or sewage, whatever you prefer.
me and marie have invented a new dance
it's where you look like you're in pain yet keeping up your dignity while walking on a bed of rocks with no shoes.
only me or marie would get that
i almost lost grace's flip flops
sorry about that grace.
ice cream was gooodd...they're humongouso.
this girl called rachel gave jared her phone number
"she just THINKS she likes him"
how true XD
boy that was weird.
the bus rides were fuuuunn....
deja vu was a really cool movie. i liked it. :D
the Others was creepy until you knew what the ending was.
go karts are da bomb :D i passed kirsty and al, YEAH!!!
mwahahaha >:)
the swing thing was SCARY in a FUN way. when you're just looking up at the sky it feels really good. but then when you look down you feel like you're gonna fall off O_o
the roller coaster simulation was...awkward. we kept on going in loops and turning upside down. it HURT. i'm never going on that again
laser tag was fun. i sucked. the girls hit like, 100 something times while the guys got us 500 something times xDD
i was going to say something
oh yeah.
you'll figure it out on monday.
haha. neveda's gonna kill her for not telling.
i actually really like the underground tour of seattle. the tour guide was cool :)
EMP was awesome. so was the Sci Fi museum, surprisingly.
that vocal studio thing was weeeeiirrddd...
museum of flight...it was funny how all the guys were obsessed with that planet changing thing.
i think that summarizes most of it. the forts were...well, sorta boring. i only liked fort clatsop. that castle like thing is coooooooll...
fort lewis was terrible. i was scared the rest of FW would be as boring as that =P
sorry i wasn't on saturday guys. we were having a garage sale :P
we made...
253 bucks.
i'm such a weirdo.
i actually like hosting garage sales. they're fun :)
shoot. i'm glad i'm going on thursday.
i hate presenting.
i still need to make a drawing for the FW video...
haha, thank goodness cameras weren't allowed in the EMP. otherwise i'd have to do a talk.
okies now.
i shall...
chau :)
PS - i have NO IDEA why the font gets bigger and bigger as you scroll down, so stop asking me
my fingers feel funny. they keep on misspelling things. i'm typing slooooww...
amazing what focus week can do to you.
i haven't been on the comp for a week xD
yeah whatever
focus week was...
it wasn't as fun as i imagined it would be
but it was okay
lots of things happened.
penguin broke his foot
doing what?
what a weird coincidence.
there's not such thing as a coincidence.
O_o stupid V for Vendetta movie...now that's gonna haunt me ~_~
gahh, whatever.
it just happened to be HIM.
why couldn't it be
onion boy
or something...
we need a new nickname
besides the fact that someone didn't come.
other things happened too.
i found out...
the kite museum is really tiny
long beach looks like a sea of root beer
or sewage, whatever you prefer.
me and marie have invented a new dance
it's where you look like you're in pain yet keeping up your dignity while walking on a bed of rocks with no shoes.
only me or marie would get that
i almost lost grace's flip flops
sorry about that grace.
ice cream was gooodd...they're humongouso.
this girl called rachel gave jared her phone number
"she just THINKS she likes him"
how true XD
boy that was weird.
the bus rides were fuuuunn....
deja vu was a really cool movie. i liked it. :D
the Others was creepy until you knew what the ending was.
go karts are da bomb :D i passed kirsty and al, YEAH!!!
mwahahaha >:)
the swing thing was SCARY in a FUN way. when you're just looking up at the sky it feels really good. but then when you look down you feel like you're gonna fall off O_o
the roller coaster simulation was...awkward. we kept on going in loops and turning upside down. it HURT. i'm never going on that again
laser tag was fun. i sucked. the girls hit like, 100 something times while the guys got us 500 something times xDD
i was going to say something
oh yeah.
you'll figure it out on monday.
haha. neveda's gonna kill her for not telling.
i actually really like the underground tour of seattle. the tour guide was cool :)
EMP was awesome. so was the Sci Fi museum, surprisingly.
that vocal studio thing was weeeeiirrddd...
museum of flight...it was funny how all the guys were obsessed with that planet changing thing.
i think that summarizes most of it. the forts were...well, sorta boring. i only liked fort clatsop. that castle like thing is coooooooll...
fort lewis was terrible. i was scared the rest of FW would be as boring as that =P
sorry i wasn't on saturday guys. we were having a garage sale :P
we made...
253 bucks.
i'm such a weirdo.
i actually like hosting garage sales. they're fun :)
shoot. i'm glad i'm going on thursday.
i hate presenting.
i still need to make a drawing for the FW video...
haha, thank goodness cameras weren't allowed in the EMP. otherwise i'd have to do a talk.
okies now.
i shall...
chau :)
PS - i have NO IDEA why the font gets bigger and bigger as you scroll down, so stop asking me
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Seriously, it seems so loooonngg!!!
Haha, I sound like such a dork.
Packing was harder than I thought o.O My suitcase was too small so I borrowed a slightly bigger one :P
I'm not done yet though...
And I probably should go finish it.
But whatever.
Oh it's almost 3:30
I need to tell my bro to stop playing computer.
Hey cool, bro is an actual word according to this word spelling shecker thingy o.O
Shecker, haha
i just remembered.
i need to bring my anuario.
i didn't put it in yet
i hate my swimsuit
i'm so not wearing it when i swim xD
yay for t-shirts and shorts =]
i don't have anything else left to say...
except that Children of Men was a weird movie...
I'm not finished with Batman Begins yet...
it's so long o.o
140 minutes...
2 hours...
and 20 minutes...
It's taking us three days to finish it...
Gee I have to wake up at 6 tomorrow...
how early do you have to wake up at olivia?
Seriously, it seems so loooonngg!!!
Haha, I sound like such a dork.
Packing was harder than I thought o.O My suitcase was too small so I borrowed a slightly bigger one :P
I'm not done yet though...
And I probably should go finish it.
But whatever.
Oh it's almost 3:30
I need to tell my bro to stop playing computer.
Hey cool, bro is an actual word according to this word spelling shecker thingy o.O
Shecker, haha
i just remembered.
i need to bring my anuario.
i didn't put it in yet
i hate my swimsuit
i'm so not wearing it when i swim xD
yay for t-shirts and shorts =]
i don't have anything else left to say...
except that Children of Men was a weird movie...
I'm not finished with Batman Begins yet...
it's so long o.o
140 minutes...
2 hours...
and 20 minutes...
It's taking us three days to finish it...
Gee I have to wake up at 6 tomorrow...
how early do you have to wake up at olivia?
Saturday, June 9, 2007
i'm soooo bored...OMGOMGOMG FOCUS WEEEEK!!!
Mwahahaha >:)
It's going to be SOOO much fun!!
Okay I'm done now xP
Oh cool, i'm going to taiwan in 3 weeks o.O YESYESYESYEYSYES
i spelled some of those Yes's wrong. whatever
i just had chocolate ice cream a few minutes ago. it was goooood :D
haha i'm so stupid, eating ice cream when it's like, freaking cold outside.
i don't want it to rain next week T_T
stupid cold fronts
PASS BY SOON!!!! then we can frolic in the sun while flying kites :D
wow i almost typed frying xD
yay for yearbooks :3 it's so much fun to read :P
everyone looks like a dork this year.
brandon looked kinda funny o.O
guess what
i liked last year's book better.
better design and layout
but i liked my picture this year better
...actually, i don't like any of my pics but whatever, no one likes their own pics.
i was going to say something...
oh YEAH.
i hope mr. elliott actually made it so that all the phozzies are in one room..:D
that would be AWESOME if that's what the group meant!! haha i almost typed meat. what a dork
i was going to say something else, then olivia interrupted me on YM
oh, i remember
'group 1' consists of 6 ninth graders....
'group 1's chaperone includes grace's dad...o.O
those 6 ninth graders swear a lot...
which equals...
big trouble for them, cause they're gonna get their butts kicked by grace's dad's whip >:)
i just remembered this VERY DISGUSTING THING...
on stephen's myspace...under his about me after 'christian' annndd...another person...
i have nothing else to say
except that focus week is almost here
rainy days suck
experimental design sucks
projects suck
Mwahahaha >:)
It's going to be SOOO much fun!!
Okay I'm done now xP
Oh cool, i'm going to taiwan in 3 weeks o.O YESYESYESYEYSYES
i spelled some of those Yes's wrong. whatever
i just had chocolate ice cream a few minutes ago. it was goooood :D
haha i'm so stupid, eating ice cream when it's like, freaking cold outside.
i don't want it to rain next week T_T
stupid cold fronts
PASS BY SOON!!!! then we can frolic in the sun while flying kites :D
wow i almost typed frying xD
yay for yearbooks :3 it's so much fun to read :P
everyone looks like a dork this year.
brandon looked kinda funny o.O
guess what
i liked last year's book better.
better design and layout
but i liked my picture this year better
...actually, i don't like any of my pics but whatever, no one likes their own pics.
i was going to say something...
oh YEAH.
i hope mr. elliott actually made it so that all the phozzies are in one room..:D
that would be AWESOME if that's what the group meant!! haha i almost typed meat. what a dork
i was going to say something else, then olivia interrupted me on YM
oh, i remember
'group 1' consists of 6 ninth graders....
'group 1's chaperone includes grace's dad...o.O
those 6 ninth graders swear a lot...
which equals...
big trouble for them, cause they're gonna get their butts kicked by grace's dad's whip >:)
i just remembered this VERY DISGUSTING THING...
on stephen's myspace...under his about me after 'christian' annndd...another person...
i have nothing else to say
except that focus week is almost here
rainy days suck
experimental design sucks
projects suck
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
blech. finals.
wow, i can't believe i even SAID that during IS...
"it's ONLY finals..."
or was it during advisory? no recuerdo
well, it's true. it IS only finals. no big deal...right? :D
no, it's a big deal. it's taking me FOREVER to finish the stupid IS study guide cause it's so flippin boring.
So. entertain me folks.
focus week in 2 semanas!!! :D
i'm excited :D
on the required list...journal/sketchbook
i don't have anything else to say
no, that's not it. no wait, that's true.
but that's not what i meant by that
chau now.
wow, i can't believe i even SAID that during IS...
"it's ONLY finals..."
or was it during advisory? no recuerdo
well, it's true. it IS only finals. no big deal...right? :D
no, it's a big deal. it's taking me FOREVER to finish the stupid IS study guide cause it's so flippin boring.
So. entertain me folks.
focus week in 2 semanas!!! :D
i'm excited :D
on the required list...journal/sketchbook
i don't have anything else to say
no, that's not it. no wait, that's true.
but that's not what i meant by that
chau now.
Friday, May 25, 2007
almost dinner time! i smell sausages :D
...o.o sausages...-___-''
hehe, inside joke, don't ask.
OMG lunch was SOOOOO FUNNY today!! i can't believe olivia and the other weren't with me and grace watching them!!!
well. the 8th and 9th grade guys were pretending to be gay, as usual. and they were having random races, like who can reach the fence first backwards crabwalking, and 3 linked people race around the school
and stuff like that xDD
it was fuuuuuuuuuunny
and guess what
penguin was riding on Kevin's back :PPPPP
wow that's the last thing i would expect him to do. guess he's more gay and random than we expected :D
marcel was being so awesomely cool as he always is. he's like "okay. first one to reach that those ivy stuff over there wins!"
marcel: well, what else would they be???
xDD he's soooooo funny i love him!!!
and kevin was being. umm. kevin xP
he was a scar on his back from daeyoon glomping him..he like lifted up his shirt just to show everyone, and he was running around trying to catch daeyoon xD
and uhh. yeah. lots of gay actions.
but they're cute that way :D
hehe >.<>
one more week till finals...
YAAAAAAAAAY!! I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!
yeah. sorry.
ummm...i'm bored.
chau :D
...o.o sausages...-___-''
hehe, inside joke, don't ask.
OMG lunch was SOOOOO FUNNY today!! i can't believe olivia and the other weren't with me and grace watching them!!!
well. the 8th and 9th grade guys were pretending to be gay, as usual. and they were having random races, like who can reach the fence first backwards crabwalking, and 3 linked people race around the school
and stuff like that xDD
it was fuuuuuuuuuunny
and guess what
penguin was riding on Kevin's back :PPPPP
wow that's the last thing i would expect him to do. guess he's more gay and random than we expected :D
marcel was being so awesomely cool as he always is. he's like "okay. first one to reach that those ivy stuff over there wins!"
marcel: well, what else would they be???
xDD he's soooooo funny i love him!!!
and kevin was being. umm. kevin xP
he was a scar on his back from daeyoon glomping him..he like lifted up his shirt just to show everyone, and he was running around trying to catch daeyoon xD
and uhh. yeah. lots of gay actions.
but they're cute that way :D
hehe >.<>
one more week till finals...
YAAAAAAAAAY!! I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!
yeah. sorry.
ummm...i'm bored.
chau :D
Thursday, May 24, 2007
wow i accidentally pressed enter and it published without me typing anything xDDD
well. i don't really have anything to say
me and my dad accidentally forgot about the FW meeting..
whoops :P
"we have something VERY important to decide...the type of sandwich you want"
- Mr. Elliott xDD
hehe >.<>
yeah i'm bored.
i don't have anything to say
and nothing to do
what a pathetic update.
well. i don't really have anything to say
me and my dad accidentally forgot about the FW meeting..
whoops :P
"we have something VERY important to decide...the type of sandwich you want"
- Mr. Elliott xDD
hehe >.<>
yeah i'm bored.
i don't have anything to say
and nothing to do
what a pathetic update.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
OMG today was T.H.E. B.E.S.T. Wednesday EVERRRR!!!!!
Hehe I loved today's advisory >.<
We had to make paper airplanes and bring them to advisory. I made one during advisory but I didn't participate cause I didn't want to be the only Phozzy in the contest :P:P
I squished mine outside beneath my jacket xDD
Marie and Carmen 'hid' theirs in FRONT of a bush...-.-
Then Mr. Elliott's like 'hey!!! where are you guys going? come back out!" xDD
we were cracking up, because it was so OBVIOUS that the planes were there and nobody really noticed them until mr. pinguino threw his airplane and it landed in/on a bush near the bush marie and carmen put their airplanes xDxD
so then scott and other ppls (after the contest) went to find their airplane and they saw marie and carmen's airplanes xDD then they took them and flew them :P:P
wow it was really funny. me and carmen couldn't stop laughing :P
there were three parts to the contest.
1. longest distance
2. longest time in air
3. fanciest flying route...xD
i think scott won the first one. err...or was it charlie? i don't remember xD
then penguin won the second one....it lasted in the air for 5 - 8 seconds. it went in a big loop and then around the back of the cottage, and it landed right on the doorstep xDDD it was coooooooool....he has talent :P
then i have no idea who won the third one. mihai's plane was pathetic. and jared's plane went backwards xDD
just like how he hit the baseball backwards in math today...xD
wow we have such a weird school. LOOOOOOVE ICS :D
hehe >.<
the humanities movie was good.
Hornbeck kicks ass >:) i wanna play his role if we did a play on inherit the wind :)
there's nothing else to say
wow i typed a lot
hey i just remembered something :D
me and carmen were talking about the kite flying we're gonna do in focus week...and we both agreed that marcel running around flying a little pink kite would be really cute :D or penguin. or anybody, actually xD
hehe >.<>
i'm done now.
i think.
yeah i'm done
chau everyone :D
Hehe I loved today's advisory >.<
We had to make paper airplanes and bring them to advisory. I made one during advisory but I didn't participate cause I didn't want to be the only Phozzy in the contest :P:P
I squished mine outside beneath my jacket xDD
Marie and Carmen 'hid' theirs in FRONT of a bush...-.-
Then Mr. Elliott's like 'hey!!! where are you guys going? come back out!" xDD
we were cracking up, because it was so OBVIOUS that the planes were there and nobody really noticed them until mr. pinguino threw his airplane and it landed in/on a bush near the bush marie and carmen put their airplanes xDxD
so then scott and other ppls (after the contest) went to find their airplane and they saw marie and carmen's airplanes xDD then they took them and flew them :P:P
wow it was really funny. me and carmen couldn't stop laughing :P
there were three parts to the contest.
1. longest distance
2. longest time in air
3. fanciest flying route...xD
i think scott won the first one. err...or was it charlie? i don't remember xD
then penguin won the second one....it lasted in the air for 5 - 8 seconds. it went in a big loop and then around the back of the cottage, and it landed right on the doorstep xDDD it was coooooooool....he has talent :P
then i have no idea who won the third one. mihai's plane was pathetic. and jared's plane went backwards xDD
just like how he hit the baseball backwards in math today...xD
wow we have such a weird school. LOOOOOOVE ICS :D
hehe >.<
the humanities movie was good.
Hornbeck kicks ass >:) i wanna play his role if we did a play on inherit the wind :)
there's nothing else to say
wow i typed a lot
hey i just remembered something :D
me and carmen were talking about the kite flying we're gonna do in focus week...and we both agreed that marcel running around flying a little pink kite would be really cute :D or penguin. or anybody, actually xD
hehe >.<>
i'm done now.
i think.
yeah i'm done
chau everyone :D
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
agh no one's here
i FINALLY find time to update but noooooo....nobody's here! -___-
oh well. I'll just talk to myself then :D
YAAAAY TOMORROW IS WEDNESDAY!!! yay for focus week advisory!!!! hehe we get to throw paper airplanesat each other
...:D hehe >.<
i can't wait for focus week itself. kirsty's gonna go shopping just for that -_-'
i wanna go shopping. D:
lalala. i'm allllllll alone...there's no one here besiiiiiiiiiiide me...my problems have all gone until...
err...you came to derive me?
i forgot the last part xP
oh well that's not the point.
hehe i'm procrastinating my earth science >.<
Hey Ed I need that song again...
bye :D
i FINALLY find time to update but noooooo....nobody's here! -___-
oh well. I'll just talk to myself then :D
YAAAAY TOMORROW IS WEDNESDAY!!! yay for focus week advisory!!!! hehe we get to throw paper airplanes
...:D hehe >.<
i can't wait for focus week itself. kirsty's gonna go shopping just for that -_-'
i wanna go shopping. D:
lalala. i'm allllllll alone...there's no one here besiiiiiiiiiiide me...my problems have all gone until...
err...you came to derive me?
i forgot the last part xP
oh well that's not the point.
hehe i'm procrastinating my earth science >.<
Hey Ed I need that song again...
bye :D
Monday, May 21, 2007
wow olivia you're so weird...
you tell me to update yet you don't comment -___-
*sigh* don't you know how the world FUNCTIONS? :P
"Let's watch their desperate attempt to be manly."
- Frannie :P
haha that was during focus week last year. we arrived at the island and all the guys were playing football
and we all decided that they were trying to show their manlyness
wow that sounded really weird
hehe >.<
yaya :3
wow i don't really have anything else to say
you guys have anything to say?
*sigh* don't you know how the world FUNCTIONS? :P
"Let's watch their desperate attempt to be manly."
- Frannie :P
haha that was during focus week last year. we arrived at the island and all the guys were playing football
and we all decided that they were trying to show their manlyness
wow that sounded really weird
hehe >.<
yaya :3
wow i don't really have anything else to say
you guys have anything to say?
Sunday, May 20, 2007
okay i'm UPDATING...alright?
there you go Olivia.
Let's see...what interesting stuffies have happened since i last posted?
wow, many things.
- cellphone incident (heh)
- err...penguin jumping over the hedge incident
- finally realizing that my pillow cover and my bed covering has penguins on them...O_o
- umm...started making a document of all the funny quotes/coversations we've had :D
- hmm...prom was yesterday
- i almost failed a math test (-_-)
- mother's day...
- THREE more weeks till finals...
- went through last year's yearbook...three times. it's amazing at how much interesting things you can get from it
- learned that i really hate myself for one particular reason
- had a dreeaaammm last night that carmen and penguin got together and penguin actually GAVE her some of his hair for her experiment (hehe that sounded weird)....XD it was so cute!!! they were sitting next to each other and penguin has his arm around her [ok sorry...i'm getting carried away :P]
errr...there's bound to be more. ummm...i don't remember
oh yeah...i'm almost done with experiment design :D
ok i'm done blabbing.
i'm bored
chinese sucks. i'm doing my hw now so i won't have chinese for the next two weeks...:D
hehe >.< i'll update later if i have something else to say
Let's see...what interesting stuffies have happened since i last posted?
wow, many things.
- cellphone incident (heh)
- err...penguin jumping over the hedge incident
- finally realizing that my pillow cover and my bed covering has penguins on them...O_o
- umm...started making a document of all the funny quotes/coversations we've had :D
- hmm...prom was yesterday
- i almost failed a math test (-_-)
- mother's day...
- THREE more weeks till finals...
- went through last year's yearbook...three times. it's amazing at how much interesting things you can get from it
- learned that i really hate myself for one particular reason
- had a dreeaaammm last night that carmen and penguin got together and penguin actually GAVE her some of his hair for her experiment (hehe that sounded weird)....XD it was so cute!!! they were sitting next to each other and penguin has his arm around her [ok sorry...i'm getting carried away :P]
errr...there's bound to be more. ummm...i don't remember
oh yeah...i'm almost done with experiment design :D
ok i'm done blabbing.
i'm bored
chinese sucks. i'm doing my hw now so i won't have chinese for the next two weeks...:D
hehe >.< i'll update later if i have something else to say
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
This song was sung by a very talented young man who goes by the name of RogueRouge. I just learned about him a few days ago on YouTube. I went to his site, and I saw nothing but a letter. It was a goodbye letter.
I know this probably has nothing to do with you guys but I just wanted to share my sadness. His letter made me cry so much, and the feeling he puts in his voice is filled with so much emotion.
You can read his letter here. I hope that you will be a kind-hearted person and read the agony in many people's hearts.
And here's my favorite song of his, Sakura. I actually think it's way better than the original because of the emotion he put into his singing. The piano instrumental was also played by RogueRouge himself. (I'm mad how it cuts off at the end of RogueRouge's version)
You can compare it with the original:
Anyways, this is just a little memoir of someone I'd like to share with everyone. You can decide to ignore this, but that would classify you as a cold-hearted person.
Thanks for taking the time to listen. I, and all of his fans, appreciate it.
I know this probably has nothing to do with you guys but I just wanted to share my sadness. His letter made me cry so much, and the feeling he puts in his voice is filled with so much emotion.
You can read his letter here. I hope that you will be a kind-hearted person and read the agony in many people's hearts.
And here's my favorite song of his, Sakura. I actually think it's way better than the original because of the emotion he put into his singing. The piano instrumental was also played by RogueRouge himself. (I'm mad how it cuts off at the end of RogueRouge's version)
You can compare it with the original:
Anyways, this is just a little memoir of someone I'd like to share with everyone. You can decide to ignore this, but that would classify you as a cold-hearted person.
Thanks for taking the time to listen. I, and all of his fans, appreciate it.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
wow this is sad
i finally got my video to where everyone could see it and no one's here xP
oh well.
OMG today was the best day ever!!! lunch was so much fun :D
marie is causing global warming. she's radiating. why is she do darn hot???
lol xP
i can't believe grace messed around with penguin's hair today. it reminds me of how i happened to see stephen smack him on the ass when i walked by. and how grace messes around with marcel's head xP
anyways. we frolicked around on the hill of pee hoy dia
pee, haha. what a weird inside joke
oh yeah....
there's this show called avatar the last airbender (yeah i'm a dweeb). it's actually pretty cool :D
there's a scene that made me burst out laughing. xP
Aang (main character hero guy): *trapped in a jail* [so much for hero]
Bad guy dude: mwahahahahaha!!!
Aang: let me out! you have no reason to keep me in here. how is this fair?
Bad guy dude: hmm. fine then. i'll let you stand trial. you'll say your part of the story and i'll say mine. then i choose which is true.
Aang: WHAT?! that's crazy!
Bad guy dude: no it's not, it's common sense and it's our form of justice. see? that's why it's called "just us"!!! it's only us two trialing (is that a word?)!
haha, that triggered such a funny inside joke i cracked up xP
yeah i'm weird that way. just thought i'd like to share, even if no one sees this.
so yeah. ciao everyone :D
i'm gonna have so much hw tomorrow...and i'm still procrastinating -_-'
i finally got my video to where everyone could see it and no one's here xP
oh well.
OMG today was the best day ever!!! lunch was so much fun :D
marie is causing global warming. she's radiating. why is she do darn hot???
lol xP
i can't believe grace messed around with penguin's hair today. it reminds me of how i happened to see stephen smack him on the ass when i walked by. and how grace messes around with marcel's head xP
anyways. we frolicked around on the hill of pee hoy dia
pee, haha. what a weird inside joke
oh yeah....
there's this show called avatar the last airbender (yeah i'm a dweeb). it's actually pretty cool :D
there's a scene that made me burst out laughing. xP
Aang (main character hero guy): *trapped in a jail* [so much for hero]
Bad guy dude: mwahahahahaha!!!
Aang: let me out! you have no reason to keep me in here. how is this fair?
Bad guy dude: hmm. fine then. i'll let you stand trial. you'll say your part of the story and i'll say mine. then i choose which is true.
Aang: WHAT?! that's crazy!
Bad guy dude: no it's not, it's common sense and it's our form of justice. see? that's why it's called "just us"!!! it's only us two trialing (is that a word?)!
haha, that triggered such a funny inside joke i cracked up xP
yeah i'm weird that way. just thought i'd like to share, even if no one sees this.
so yeah. ciao everyone :D
i'm gonna have so much hw tomorrow...and i'm still procrastinating -_-'
Monday, May 7, 2007
Phozzies Mini Movie :D
Okay I made an account at Youtube and uploaded the Phozzies movie I made.
It was made a few weeks ago so it doesn't contain the 'latest information'. XP
Oh well. Enjoy. :D
Sorry about all of the blabber in the beginning. It was to take up time. :P
It was made a few weeks ago so it doesn't contain the 'latest information'. XP
Oh well. Enjoy. :D
Sorry about all of the blabber in the beginning. It was to take up time. :P
Monday, April 23, 2007
My stupid waterbottle made all of my papers wet.
First of all, I dropped my stuff off at Mr. Elliott's room before lunch, and I put my lunch box on the desk. It had my stupid crappy water bottle in it.
Then i put my backpack on my seat.
Then I took my lunch out and left.
Sounds normal, doesn't it?
Then after I came back an hour later, I took my backpack down and I felt that it was wet. Then I looked at my seat and there was a pool of water on it.
Me: WTF?!?!?!?
Then I looked at the lunchbox, and it was wet tambien. I opened my lunchbox and saw my water bottle was tilted. then I opened it to find that all of the water was gone.
Grr. I can't believe the lid isn't good enough to hold the water inside. -_- It was screwed on tight!!
So yeah, behind me right now are all of my papers and notebooks drying in the sun. I tried to take a poicture but the sun was too bright.
Oh yeah....
The pink progress report Mrs. Comeau gave us a while ago was in my backpack...and it got wet too so instead of just plain wet papers, I have PINK DYED wet papers.
Woah, i just suddenly remembered...Grace was talking about how her aunt or grandma or mom or something and her were shopping for 'mittens', and her aunt or grandma or mom picked up a pair of 'socks' and said "NO I WILL NOT BUY YOU A THONG"
We were cracking up like crazy.
Except Penguin and his posse turned the corner a few minutes ago before she said that, so they were almost right behind us when Grace screamed that sentence. xPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP-----
It was FUNNY. Me and Carmen were cracking up, and then it took Grace a few moments to notice them but it was really funny when she did cause her expression was really funny. xD
And she turned red. Hehe.
It was funny. :D
My stupid waterbottle made all of my papers wet.
First of all, I dropped my stuff off at Mr. Elliott's room before lunch, and I put my lunch box on the desk. It had my stupid crappy water bottle in it.
Then i put my backpack on my seat.
Then I took my lunch out and left.
Sounds normal, doesn't it?
Then after I came back an hour later, I took my backpack down and I felt that it was wet. Then I looked at my seat and there was a pool of water on it.
Me: WTF?!?!?!?
Then I looked at the lunchbox, and it was wet tambien. I opened my lunchbox and saw my water bottle was tilted. then I opened it to find that all of the water was gone.
Grr. I can't believe the lid isn't good enough to hold the water inside. -_- It was screwed on tight!!
So yeah, behind me right now are all of my papers and notebooks drying in the sun. I tried to take a poicture but the sun was too bright.
Oh yeah....
The pink progress report Mrs. Comeau gave us a while ago was in my backpack...and it got wet too so instead of just plain wet papers, I have PINK DYED wet papers.
Woah, i just suddenly remembered...Grace was talking about how her aunt or grandma or mom or something and her were shopping for 'mittens', and her aunt or grandma or mom picked up a pair of 'socks' and said "NO I WILL NOT BUY YOU A THONG"
We were cracking up like crazy.
Except Penguin and his posse turned the corner a few minutes ago before she said that, so they were almost right behind us when Grace screamed that sentence. xPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP-----
It was FUNNY. Me and Carmen were cracking up, and then it took Grace a few moments to notice them but it was really funny when she did cause her expression was really funny. xD
And she turned red. Hehe.
It was funny. :D
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Oh, and Ed...
I didnt use that link you gave me to figure it out. :D
Mwahahahaha >:)
I love it how I remember things really sudden.
Dont have time to post long post right now though.
Ciao. :D
Oh, and Ed...
I didnt use that link you gave me to figure it out. :D
Mwahahahaha >:)
I love it how I remember things really sudden.
Dont have time to post long post right now though.
Ciao. :D
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
today was fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunny xP
today was earthquake drill day. BLECH!!! we had to stand outside in the freezing cold for more than 2 hours!!!! i think....T____T
but it was funny :D
penguin looked really cute when he wrapped himself with the emergency blanket >.<>
he was actually shiny and bright for once...xP except his hair, but yeah.
while me and the phozzies were standing in one place, he was starting to creep me out by migrating back and forth to different places every few minutes. it was weird.
and thanks to calen we saw him suck a lollipop :D lol, he doesn't look like the type who actually LICKS the lollipop, but yeah, w/e
how many licks does it take to get to the center? o.o
i have no idea. i never bothered to count xP
anyways.....yeah. today was weird. it was funny when he jumped into the pile of 8th and 9th graders...
then it looked really wrong when his head was between kevin's legs...yeah.....
anyways. ummm...
we didn't have 5th period today. darn it. but now the experimental design stuff is pushed back even more :D:D mwahahahahahaha >:)
oh yeah, i brought my camera hoy dia. i had a bad picture day though. every time i try to take a picture of these two people they always happen to be turning around. then later when we were returning to spanish he was RIGHT NEXT TO ME and i still didn't get a pic!!
lalala...i'm bored.
screw that, it's not even gonna be very hard. xP
yayayay!!!! the rdg logs can be turned in on friday :D mwahahahaha >:)
so yeah. i'm being bored right now.
ciao :D
but it was funny :D
penguin looked really cute when he wrapped himself with the emergency blanket >.<>
he was actually shiny and bright for once...xP except his hair, but yeah.
while me and the phozzies were standing in one place, he was starting to creep me out by migrating back and forth to different places every few minutes. it was weird.
and thanks to calen we saw him suck a lollipop :D lol, he doesn't look like the type who actually LICKS the lollipop, but yeah, w/e
how many licks does it take to get to the center? o.o
i have no idea. i never bothered to count xP
anyways.....yeah. today was weird. it was funny when he jumped into the pile of 8th and 9th graders...
then it looked really wrong when his head was between kevin's legs...yeah.....
anyways. ummm...
we didn't have 5th period today. darn it. but now the experimental design stuff is pushed back even more :D:D mwahahahahahaha >:)
oh yeah, i brought my camera hoy dia. i had a bad picture day though. every time i try to take a picture of these two people they always happen to be turning around. then later when we were returning to spanish he was RIGHT NEXT TO ME and i still didn't get a pic!!
lalala...i'm bored.
screw that, it's not even gonna be very hard. xP
yayayay!!!! the rdg logs can be turned in on friday :D mwahahahaha >:)
so yeah. i'm being bored right now.
ciao :D
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
wow. xD
Yay for no procedure tomorrow!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!! ^_________^
No homework!! YEEEEEEAH!!!!!!!!
lol, jake and Ian and Al's puppet show was funny xP
Jake: *underwater*
Ian: where's jake?!
Al: Umm..i think something ate him
Ian: OH NO!!! we need to save him!!
Al: Nah, let's keep exploring!!!
Jake:: *still underwater*
Ian: NO!! Jake is our friend!! we must rescue him!!
Al: fine xP
in the middle Al started laughing, which started my stupid chain reaction problem so i started laughing. it was pretty funny tho xP
OMG penguin swore today!! grace said she almost hit his arm. xP
Us: *walking in*
Penguin: God damn it!
Me: O_o
Us: *walks away*
Me: Hey, did he just swear?
grace: YES!!! >:(
Me: hey carmen, he just swore
Carmen: HE SWORE?!
it was fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunny!!!!!
"laughing makes you live longer, so going to ICS is gonna make us have a long life"
LOL!!! nice one grace xP
manana's gonna be so boring, but at least we dont' have to do anything :D
darn it, there's no advisory T__T phooey
last week @ advisory:
Jared: Ok, we're gonna spin this globe and point to a random spot. that's where your wife is from
WTH!??!!!? XDDDD
"Can i use that chair?"
Marie: Wow, that's completely random and unromantic!!
LOL! xPPPPP wow, i laugh too much.
black and white is the theme for the spring dance!! YAY!!! i wanna gooooooooo!!!
i doubt i can though T_T
lucky butt
so yeah, i'm bored. grace is writing a boooook. =o i wanna write a book!!!!!!!
okies, i'm really bored, so i'm gonna start posting bits and pieces of the movie The Lake House every now and then for ppl to watch. =P
Part 1:
Yay :D
No homework!! YEEEEEEAH!!!!!!!!
lol, jake and Ian and Al's puppet show was funny xP
Jake: *underwater*
Ian: where's jake?!
Al: Umm..i think something ate him
Ian: OH NO!!! we need to save him!!
Al: Nah, let's keep exploring!!!
Jake:: *still underwater*
Ian: NO!! Jake is our friend!! we must rescue him!!
Al: fine xP
in the middle Al started laughing, which started my stupid chain reaction problem so i started laughing. it was pretty funny tho xP
OMG penguin swore today!! grace said she almost hit his arm. xP
Us: *walking in*
Penguin: God damn it!
Me: O_o
Us: *walks away*
Me: Hey, did he just swear?
grace: YES!!! >:(
Me: hey carmen, he just swore
Carmen: HE SWORE?!
it was fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunny!!!!!
"laughing makes you live longer, so going to ICS is gonna make us have a long life"
LOL!!! nice one grace xP
manana's gonna be so boring, but at least we dont' have to do anything :D
darn it, there's no advisory T__T phooey
last week @ advisory:
Jared: Ok, we're gonna spin this globe and point to a random spot. that's where your wife is from
WTH!??!!!? XDDDD
"Can i use that chair?"
Marie: Wow, that's completely random and unromantic!!
LOL! xPPPPP wow, i laugh too much.
black and white is the theme for the spring dance!! YAY!!! i wanna gooooooooo!!!
i doubt i can though T_T
lucky butt
so yeah, i'm bored. grace is writing a boooook. =o i wanna write a book!!!!!!!
okies, i'm really bored, so i'm gonna start posting bits and pieces of the movie The Lake House every now and then for ppl to watch. =P
Part 1:
Yay :D
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